Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Resume DO's and DONT'S

StaffNet Consulting and Placement Group


Your resume is the first or second impression you will make on a potential employer. Further, it is most likely screened by a you have to make this count.

Below are some important points.

  • DO NOT include your picture with your resume - In today's world, you do not know who is looking at these pictures. You may look young/old for your age. You may remind the screener of a bad situation. Perhaps you don't photograph well. NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM A PHOTOGRAPH

  • Make sure to include a OBJECTIVE that directly includes how you will use your skills and personal characteristics to achieve the company's goals as either making them Faster...Better....and/or More Profitable. ALWAYS include that your primary mission is to "assist the company achieve it's goals" and that you acknowledge the need for "continual process improvement". Companies are concerned about employees ability to change in today's environment. Be proactive and acknowledge that "changing" is part of your job description.

  • List all previous positions with the most current on the top of the list. The reality is that most potential employers only care about your last 3 years of employment. For any other issues, they just are required to confirm employment dates. PLEASE NOTE THAT EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION IS ONLY REQUIRED TO CONFIRM DATES OF EMPLOYMENT, POSITION AND SALARY.

  • Note your "detailed" accomplishments at each position. If you were in sales be sure to indicate your sales revenue results per month/quarter and how that exceeded quota. If you were in purchasing be sure to indicate how quickly product was delivered to the required location and how you monitored inventory.

  • IT'S OK to have different versions of your resume. Many sales positions are looking for expertise in selling to different sectors...Medical, Finance, Food and Beverage etc. You may have sold to all three, so be able to offer all three versions.

  • If you are applying for a position that would result in a "promotion" to management be sure to note how you acknowledge that all companies/departments must work as a team and you spent much of your time "mentoring" new employees or participated in their selection.

Be sure to follow up with a phone call after you mail/email your resume.

Let StaffNet-Work for You. Please email us at or call us at (908) 963-9000. My direct email is

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